Try Batch Cooking To Save Time and Money

Have you heard the term batch cooking being bandied about a lot lately? Batch cooking used to be a culinary concept that was a popular practice – and recently, it’s become much more commonplace again.   It refers to the practice of cooking up multiple meals at once, then storing them for later consumption and people used to do it for the same reasons they’re doing so today – to save money and time.

The reason it’s becoming more common to batch cook meals again is because people are becoming more concerned about food wastage, as well as the type of food they are consuming – they want to eat healthier, while controlling their intake of sugar, salt and additives.  At the same time, rising food prices mean that people are having to cut back – batch cooking is perfect if you’re on a low budget, as it allows you to purchase ingredients in bulk.

Usually, people who batch cook prepare and cook meals on one day a week or a month – this used to typically be a Sunday, but it can be as often as you like or need.  It’s a great method if you like to plan meals in advance and this offers many benefits, as it lets you use up leftover ingredients in your cupboard, which helps prevent food wastage. Batch cooking is great for encouraging healthy eating, as instead of grabbing a sugar-laden snack or fast food, you can reach for a tasty and nourishing home cooked meal instead.

If you have people with allergies that you have to cook for, batch cooking will let you cater more easily to their needs, as you can factor this into your meal planning rather than cooking three different dinners every night. It’s also perfect if you have a large event coming up, like a party, as you can prepare large quantities in advance, then freeze them in air-tight containers for use later.

We’ve put together this essential guide to batch cooking so you have everything you need to get started when it comes to planning, preparing, cooking and storing your meals. Batch cooking is a great way to enjoy cheap healthy meals, save time and cut down on food waste – read on and we’ll reveal the best ways to do it and what to avoid – as well as some handy meal ideas for inspiration!

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