Most of us associate air pollution with toxic fumes from vehicles, factories and industrial processes – but often, the threat can be a lot closer to home. Indoor air quality can actually be worse than what’s lurking outside by a factor of 10 and it is responsible for at least 9,000 fatalities every year in the UK alone. But what is the definition of air pollution and what causes indoor air to become toxic?
Polluted air is defined as any dirt, gases, chemicals, or dust that cause harm to humans when inhaled and it can be down to many factors – from wood and coal burning stoves, to the chemicals in household products, as well as poor ventilation, which contributes to damp and mould.
If you’re continually breathing in polluted air, you may not show any symptoms at first, though it will likely be damaging to your health in the long-term. Vulnerable adults and children may display symptoms quicker and when they do show, they can range from a dry wheeze to serious breathing difficulties – and you might not attribute these symptoms to the air in your home. According to the World Health Organisation, continual exposure to polluted air indoors can lead to a host of serious conditions, such as stroke, ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer.
Worldwide, it’s estimated that indoor air pollution is responsible for over 4 million fatalities annually, so it’s important to ensure that the air in your living space is as clean as it can be. Constantly breathing in polluted air can cause severe health issues and worsen existing respiratory disorders such as asthma – so read on as we reveal the 8 best ways to detoxify the air in your home, to help you enjoy a cleaner environment and boost your health.
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